UAE free zone businesses and related advantages

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The greatest choice for foreign investors who want complete control of their company is to register a free zone company formation in UAE. Since a UAE citizen must be a partner and hold 51% of the company, many businesses are reluctant to invest in the UAE. Free zones, which permit 100 percent foreign ownership, have thus grown to be a preferred method of business registration in the UAE. UAE Free Zones are areas where foreigners can fully own and run their enterprises.


The UAE free zones are the most desirable location for company creation and draw investors because of the freedom to start a business, hire an unlimited number of foreign employees, minimum government participation, tax exemption, low setup and maintenance expenses, and other considerations.


A team of experts by the name of Alpha Equity can oversee the entire process of free zone company formation. We act as a one-stop shop for investors, minimising the challenges of establishing a free zone firm in the UAE and ensuring that everything is finished as soon as possible. Our team has experience setting up businesses, including creating UAE-free zone companies and accounting and bookkeeping operations.

Aerial view of a business team

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has more than 42 free zones, each with a unique set of regulations. Investors are rushing to open businesses in the UAE’s free zones, and each major free zone has more than 8000 registered businesses. For establishing a company, each free zone has its unique set of requirements, expenses, and legal framework. Depending on their demands and budget, entrepreneurs may choose from several Free Zones in Dubai, Sharjah, and other emirates.


Advantages of setting up free zone companies:

  1. Bring 100% benefits
  2. Exemption from all import and fare obligations
  3. Cost-effective and abundant energy.
  4. The procedure of licensing is easy.
  5. There are no restrictions on hiring expatriates.
  6. Both the hiring process and the labor are simple and affordable.


The government of the United Arab Emirates has established several free zones, each of which is designed for a particular sector. In the United Arab Emirates, over 44 free zones have attracted 200,000 businesses worth of foreign direct investment, boosting the GDP. Each free trade zone has a different emphasis, start-up costs, and paperwork needs, but the fundamental requirements are the same.


In conclusion, do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in company formation in UAE free zone to advertise your firm throughout the Middle East and North Africa. We will help you choose the free zone that is most affordable and most suited to your business’s needs.